Saturday, 25 February 2017

More than beauty!

Whats your story

Always, always, always
Believe in yourself
Because if you dont,
Then who will, sweetie
-          Marilyn Manroe
Norma jeane Mortenson, or as the world knows her Marilyn manroe, continues to be considered the most beautiful woman in the world. No, she was not perfect like these air brushed models we call beautiful today, she was more then that. She was love, lust, envy, she was remorse. Her troubled private life, unhappy childhood and struggle for professional respect did not bog her down. Only Elvis and mickey mouse compare to her popularity.  The white ivory cocktail dress she graced in the seven year itch has been described as one of the most iconic dresses in the 20th century. She continues to inspire a lot of fashion trends and will eternally be remembered as a style icon and a woman who inspired many generations.
My life didnt please me, so I created my ife, true to her words the very famous Coco channel made her life and career with sheer will and determination. She will not only be in our hearts eternally for giving us the little black dress, but for being a true modernist and a pioneer for women in an era when they were not yet liberated. Today Channel is a multi milliondollor company and as fierce as their founder Coco Channel.
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades., inspiring words by the very elegant purple eyed beauty, Audray Hepburn. Hollywood star, model and a woman of many talents, she has been named the greatest female star of all time. But she was much more, awarded the presidential medal of freedom in recognition of her work with UNICEF, she was well respected and adored by many. The black Givenchy dress, worn by Audrey Hepburn in the romantic comedy Breakfast at Tiffanys will always be a classicand continues to be an inspiration for many designers and movie makers.
Not only did these women redefine fashion and class, they owned the world with their sass and character proving that you can be a beauty as well as brains. They took on a world full of doubts and challenges and told the world their story instead of letting the world write theirs. Whats yourstory?

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Get inspired.

Whats your story
Breathe, standup straight, and look in the mirror. See that beautiful face? Let her be your inspiration, your hero. She is all you need.
Be her, dont be that person everyone else wants you to be, they dont know you or your story. Own yourself because baby no one can or should. Remember who picked you up when you fell down hard, yes you did it! You saved yourself, dont be ashamed of those scars, flaunt them. You have so much power, embrace it. Let the world know your story, dont hide behind those robes, society forced on you. Let your style speak your personality.
 Want to wear all black, go for it, want a tattoo, what are you waiting for? Think your soul belongs to the 80s, go vintage girl. There is no right or wrong in fashion, fashion is personal, not merely a style statement, not just a mass trend. It shouts to the world, it lets it know who you are. It tells your story. And who better to inspire you, then yourself because only you know the truth, only you know your untold secrets, your fears, your wins, your desires, so who should know your style?
As truthfully said by Anais Nin, Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage.
So dont live the small life, dont be afraid of who you are and who you can be because you own it to that girl looking at you through the mirror, dont let her down. Get inspired!!!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Fashion fades, Style is Eternal

Whats your story

Your style introduces you before you even speak
Putting more thought into your appearance is one of the easiest ways to improve your social prospects and the way people see you. It falls under the broader category of non-verbal communication. It's not that your social life will be a lost cause if you don't look perfect, but if you slack off with your appearance then you're making things harder than they have to be.
In todays world fashion is accepted by people of all class and culture. Fashion is a word, which is recognized by all people of the society. India being a country of various culture and tradition has also accepted fashion in its own way. Fashion designers work hard to fulfill the wish of all people from various backgrounds.
The definition of fashion varies from one person to another. For some people, fashion is the latest trends in clothings, accessories, footwear and for others it may be the latest food, lifestyle, etc. Moreover, Fashion becomes very important if you are a working woman or man. Following the latest flowers fashion trend highlights your personality and gives classy looks. Therefore, fashion is very important in our life.
Now- a-days it has become very easy to find fashionable clothes online which are also affordable, according to your needs. One can find latest women Clothing, gym wear, leisure wear, and classy formals. Below are the 5 reasons one should dress really well.

1. Better mood. Dressing better can have a positive impact on your overall mood. Being more positive, friendly, and polite are all traits that have shown to be impacted by dressing better.
2. More authority. People who are dressed better are viewed as being natural leaders. A study showed that a jaywalker convinced 250% more people to follow him when he was wearing a suit compared to when he was poorly dressed.
3. Being prepared. You never know who youre going to meet at the coffee shop, the bank, or the grocery store. When youre dressed professionally youre always ready to meet people with confidence.
4. Look smart. Those that are dressed well are perceived to be smarter and more successful. Could there possibly be a drawback to this?
5. Competitive advantage. Are your competitors dressing well? If so, you need to keep up. If theyre not, then its your chance to take the lead.

 If you find it difficult to choose something that suits you or your body type one can constantly take a help of the fashionconsultant and obtain your unique style statement.
Thus it is really important to dress well and impress!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Character. Intelligence. Strength. Style. That makes beauty.

Whats your story

Widely regarded as India's first supermodel, Lakshmi Menon has worked with the fashion world's leading names from Jean Paul Gaultier to Hermés and is on the books of Storm – the agency that represents Kate Moss and Lily Cole.

It is said that having an attractive face makes a person beautiful. But other than an attractive face there are many other factors by which a person becomes beautiful like, being intelligent, a nice at heart person, being emotionally strong, and if the person has his or her own fashion statement, his talent makes him beautiful.

The word 'gori' – which literally means fair and has become a byword for a beautiful woman – is still very much a part of the lexicon of Hindi film. It is “higher” than high time we wake up and come out of this “fair’ myth. 

The person who is always positive about everything in life, a smiling face makes a person beautiful. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. It is a subjective vision, a unique perspective that reflects our internal perception. Our individual memories consider certain things to be comforting or beautiful; for others, these same images may seem mundane or even unattractive.

“I always tried to change the world; ultimately I ended up changing myself, and then the world changed automatically”, any attempt at changing the world that does not begin with internal change will ultimately fail. 

Moreover, Beauty lies in the person who has his/ her fashion statement. Whatever they put, whatever they mix match it looks stylish and that’s their beauty of changing the person overall in no time.
Finally, the true beauty lies in the uniqueness of each one of us. It’s being accepting who you are rather than trying to chase a never ending unrealistic race of being who you are not. Our body is the amazing gift; appreciating and respecting all the things it will ultimately help us to feel more positive about us. So just be yourself!

So,  #what’s your Story…

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Be Yourself

Dressing up can take extra efforts, but it feels good especially if you receive an extra compliment. There were 100 women interviewed for the study, and their ages ranged from 21 to 64 years, according to the news release. The researchers also found that 73% of women in the study “shopped for clothes at least every few months.” The majority of women, or 96%, “believed that what they wear affects how confident they feel,” according to the news release. Many people think how I can dress up regularly. But, just be you.

Listed below are some reasons for you to dress up:

1. Dressing properly makes you feel powerful, the “power tie” is a real thing, according to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science. Researchers had certain people wear formal business attire and complete a series of five experiments that challenged their cognitive processing abilities. Those who dressed up felt significantly more powerful and in control of the situation than their under-dressed peer.

2. In addition to feeling more powerful, the study also found the one who is dressed in business formal clothing could think faster on their feet and had more creative ideas. 

3. Now with perfect Gym Wear,  you can exercise better and harder. A perfect workout dress, a perfect morning and a perfect attitude are what you need to stay fit.

4. Have you ever thought why do some doctors look so smart and dashing as if they are not the doctors but a model? That’s all because of their smart clothing. They are dressed up so well the patients feel like visiting them or at times everything seems to be alright only at their glance.

Image, style and branding consultants are hired by everyone from celebrities to the average Joe, with, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics more than 56,000 people claiming that as their occupation in 2014. Kim Peterson, of Uniquely Savvy, helps people champion themselves through personal brand and style analysis, body and color analysis, wardrobe analysis, personal shopping, and virtual style consulting for individuals, and more progressive businesses bring Kim in to do workshops for their employees on these self-empowerment topics.

So the next time you reach for those yoga pants or for that fiery red dress, ask yourself how will that clothing item make you feel and what is it saying to the world around you today?