Putting more thought
into your appearance is one of the easiest ways to improve your social
prospects and the way people see you. It falls under the broader category of
non-verbal communication. It's not that your social life will be a lost cause
if you don't look perfect, but if you slack off with your appearance then
you're making things harder than they have to be.
In today’s world fashion is accepted
by people of all class and culture. Fashion is a word, which is recognized by
all people of the society. India being a country of various culture and
tradition has also accepted fashion in its own way. Fashion designers work hard
to fulfill the wish of all people from various backgrounds.
The definition of fashion varies from one person to another.
For some people, fashion is the latest trends in clothing’s, accessories, footwear and for others it may be the latest food, lifestyle, etc. Moreover, Fashion
becomes very important if you are a working woman or man. Following the latest
flowers fashion trend highlights your personality and gives classy looks.
Therefore, fashion is very important in our life.
Now- a-days it has become very easy to find fashionable clothes
online which are also affordable, according to
your needs. One can find latest women Clothing, gym wear, leisure wear, and
classy formals. Below are the 5 reasons one should dress really well.
1. Better mood. Dressing better can have a positive impact
on your overall mood. Being more positive, friendly, and polite are all traits
that have shown to be impacted by dressing better.
More authority. People
who are dressed better are viewed as being natural leaders. A study showed that
a jaywalker convinced 250% more people to follow him when he was wearing a suit
compared to when he was poorly dressed.
Being prepared. You
never know who you’re going to meet at the coffee shop, the bank, or the
grocery store. When you’re dressed professionally you’re always
ready to meet people with confidence.
Look smart. Those that
are dressed well are perceived to be smarter and more successful. Could there
possibly be a drawback to this?
5. Competitive advantage. Are your competitors dressing
well? If so, you need to keep up. If they’re not, then it’s your
chance to take the lead.
If you find it difficult to choose something
that suits you or your body type one can constantly take a help of the fashionconsultant and obtain your unique style statement.
Thus it is really important to dress
well and impress!
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