Thursday, 26 January 2017

Let go. Feel free. Live life

Let go. Feel free. Live life

“Each new day is the another choice to change your life”
To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on.
Johnson, when I first met him, it was all lovey-dovey at the beginning. He was my neighbor for last two years but we never knew each other until the day of New Year’s Eve. I was entering my home at midnight and at the same time he came there and we wished each other Happy New year. In no time we were more than best friends. We went for parties, picnics, treks and outings. But then something changed his behavior wasn’t the same, even being with he was very far from me, he was not the one whom I met. So I decided to “let go”, it wasn’t easy for me but it was necessary to move on and live life.
Sometimes moving on, or letting go is not only important but there is no other option. As this in return only helps you in future. At times, Fear is the reason why we can't move on. We have the fear of being alone and not being able to find someone else; fear of someone using our deepest and darkest secrets as blackmail; fear of the hate and tension that will ensue; fear of regret once someone is gone.

3 Steps to Help You to Let Go and Feel Less Pain
If someone bothers you then it causes you a pain for a while.But after that, you have a choice. You can refuse to let go of what happened. And instead, let it interfere with your relationship and replay what happened over and over in your mind.Or you can choose to forgive. Accepting what happened can be helpful to make it easier to forgive.
Let go again (if necessary).
If you let go of something that happened or some distraction in your life then that might not be the end of it.Life is not always that neat. The issue or distraction might pop up again.
Then let it go once, twice, thrice…this extra practice will make it easier to let go, in the future when it pops up it leaves behind lesser impact on you.
Accept the facts, then let go.
When you accept the situation that this has happened then it becomes easier to let go.Why?Because when you’re still struggling in your mind against what has happened then you feed that memory or situation with more energy.

Let go of what no longer serve you, free yourself from the stressful situations and live life, be you, write your story.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Magic happens! When you don’t give up


Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Air hostess, a dancer, an Artist, Pilot, writer, we have so many untold stories. But very few of them end up being themselves. The only reason is, they don’t give up.
The matter of fact is, if we can overcome the obstacles presented to us and keep pushing through the bad times, we will find the success within ourselves to create something worthwhile.
Just keep in mind these few rules and you’ll be the winner:

Nobody's Perfect
We are all human. Realizing that it’s okay to make a mistake is only part of the battle to that ultimate goal. Learning and moving forward comes from doing something wrong and being told how to do it right.

Success Isn't Rewarding If It's Easy
Reaching that ultimate goal should be a special moment. If it wasn't the hardest thing of our lives, then we didn't achieve it. Knowing that we did everything we could for ourselves and others to earn that goal should be more rewarding than the actual honor itself. Behind every successful person, there is a story and a long-fought journey for him or her to get to where he or she is today.

This word seems counter-intuitive in reasons not to give up your dreams, but failure is more beneficial than you might think.  Most people don’t pursue their dreams for fear of failure.  Little do they know, this is one of the biggest ways we learn and grow!
With that failure persistence comes.  Persistence is something that can only be learned through hardships. If you never fall down, you can’t learn how to get back up. Each time we pick ourselves back up and forge through, we get a little bit stronger and more capable of achieving our ultimate goals.
Success is often just around the corner.
If only you knew how close you were! If only you knew what an impact would be for one more phone call, one more interview, and just one more late night working on your passions. Often we give up far too soon. We can’t see what the future holds for us, but we sure can keep striving towards our dreams.
So, “Never ever give up.” Write your story, create your history!

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

An unexpected Journey

Life sometimes takes an unexpected turn. Don’t wait too long. Life takes unexpected turns, so we don’t always have the time we think we have. Life has a way of seldom going the way we expect. It turns when we expect it to continue straight. It continues straight when we expect it to turnAnd sometimes it takes a nice speedy drive down a hill.

Whats your story

“I was trying my luck hard to get into the MBA program at Harvard University. I was really excited for the 1st and 2nd time but later started losing hope. It was the sixth and the last time I was about to apply. But I guess, my stars were shining, as I opened the envelope, it had written, Harvard University invites to join the MBA program the coming June. My life suddenly took an unexpectedturn.”- Mohit Goenka

“I fell in Love! And my life changed like anything”- Mohini Mehra

“Last winter on a chilly Sunday, I lost my Mom. My life took am major turn”- Jennifer.

“Love at first sight! is what had happened with me and she completely changed me. Today I am a different person. My life was changed”- Rohan Agrawal.

Life in such way takes many twists and turns.  So, don’t take your life too seriously and plan trips. The only way to explore life, nature and its beauty which we miss in our day-to-day life. 
Ways to plan a trip:
  1. Plan different types vacations – There are many different flavors of vacation. Ask yourself, what kind of vacation will give you the rest you need right now. A cruise? A cycling adventure? A prayer or meditation retreat?
  2. Come up with creative challenges – Create a fun challenge for yourself. I know a friend who stops by the local grocery store to snap a photo of bags of Cheetos upon arriving in a different country. What about ‘selfies’ of your favorite rubber ducky or plush elephant in different locations?
  3. Limit online activities – Bring an e-reader with only books on it. Bring an SLR camera to take photos to avoid incessant phone notifications. Set up an out-of-office reply on your email account. Check unread emails once a day or avoid checking emails altogether—whatever works best for you.
  4. Avoid social media – Use apps like Glympse or Find My Friends to automate location notifications and avoid posting daily status updates. Consider meeting up with friends at your destination for some real face-time.
  5. Get organized Make a ‘must-do’ and ‘nice-to-do’ list of places you’d like to visit or explore. Use Google Maps to create custom walking tours. Snap photos of outfits you can wear on your trip, and include them in your packing list. 

Friday, 20 January 2017

Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness

Sometimes that’s all you have
When you have nothing else,
When you have it, you have everything…

Whats your story

For every dark night, there’s a brighter day. When one door closes another door opens...It will all work out in the end...What goes around comes around... Just hang in there...There's always hope...Keep the Faith...and the ever popular, “There's light at the end of the tunnel”.
There are loads of stories heard from people, at the end of each some stories rise whereas some vanish.
"I was 12 years old when I was detected with lung cancer! I thought I was dying but my parents were strong, they had a hope, one day I’ll be perfectly fine. Today I am 23 years old still struggling and fighting with all my strength and their support”. - Rishi Mehta
"I was going through the worst phase of my life, the divorce proceedings, consultant, and an abusive husband. I was suddenly a different woman altogether, Cunningness, anger, manipulative. In all this mess, my support system was my daughter, my ray of hope”. - ShannelD'souza.
“Years back we were bankrupt. We hardly had anything to eat. There was no hope of getting out of such poverty. But my husband thought of starting a small eatery where we served healthy pizza, burgers, and sandwiches. With the help of my cooking skills and my husband's business skills, now we have our own restaurant”.-NishitaTanna
In every struggle, there is a ray of hope. Everyone goes through such incidents, what’s your story?
Life is full of struggles, twists, and turns and it will go on in the same way. So live life, be you, the only way to explore life. Make your life a story worth telling. Tell your story. Share your stories!

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Jamais Vu – Never seen before!

“It is not the first time I felt all this, it is like Jamais Vu. I felt it all zillion times but every single time it feels new.” 
 Shreya Gupta

Many times you tell your story to someone and when you repeat it the next time, the person is completely unaware and unfamiliar with it.

The opposite of déjà vu, instead of feeling extra familiar, the thing seems totally unfamiliar. In this case, there is too little connection between long-term memory and perceptions from the present. When a person is in this state, nothing they experience seems to have anything to do with the past. One might be talking to a known person and suddenly the same person seems totally unfamiliar. Their sense of knowing the person and knowing how to relate to them simply vanishes. The detail which one has seen thousand times becomes engaging.

Story time! A man is lying on a grass. A breeze is stirring through a half-opened window, swaying the lace curtains. The sound of someone practicing an instrument can be heard through the window along with the noises of kids playing a ball game. There is a smell of muffins cooking in the next room. Imagine that the young man knows his mother will wake him after a half hour or so. He is expecting then to greet his father who is coming home from a trip. How can we describe the feeling that young man has? It is tinged with melancholy, sleepiness, hunger, perhaps, anticipation, and other even vaguer emotions—feelings that have no name. But that exact overall feeling, indescribable though it may be, is memorable.

Now imagine that same man the same story, but this time he is waiting to meet his fiancé. Suddenly, he is overcome by a sense of déjà vu. The place seems strange but the feeling is familiar. He experiences the sense of familiarity and explains it to himself as emanating from the place itself. The sudden return of a very exact memory—usually, an unconscious memory -- accounts for the feeling of déjà vu. Such a feeling occurs rarely in our lives because the exact sensation people have moment by moment is hardly ever exactly the same in the next moment. Our lives are myriad complex sensations made up of different smells, sights, thoughts, memories, very particular physical feelings.  They are so very many of these very distinctive feelings; they must recur exactly very rarely. 

Imagine this same not-so-young man coming home suddenly. It is evening. There is no one to greet him. His mother has died. His father has not been home for a year, and so the house is unheated. There is a distant sound of neighbors arguing. Suddenly he has a feeling of jamais vu.
He has a complicated, jumbled feeling, perhaps part disappointment, perhaps a kind of emptiness and loneliness, perhaps much more than that. He never felt just this way before in his home. His home seems suddenly to be a different place than the one he grew up in. But the place is the same. The furniture is the same. They are in the same place. Yet, everything feels unfamiliar. It is only because his accustomed feelings are not there.

Have you ever gone through such unfamiliar and strange thoughts? Definitely yes! What’s your story?