Friday, 20 January 2017

Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness

Sometimes that’s all you have
When you have nothing else,
When you have it, you have everything…

Whats your story

For every dark night, there’s a brighter day. When one door closes another door opens...It will all work out in the end...What goes around comes around... Just hang in there...There's always hope...Keep the Faith...and the ever popular, “There's light at the end of the tunnel”.
There are loads of stories heard from people, at the end of each some stories rise whereas some vanish.
"I was 12 years old when I was detected with lung cancer! I thought I was dying but my parents were strong, they had a hope, one day I’ll be perfectly fine. Today I am 23 years old still struggling and fighting with all my strength and their support”. - Rishi Mehta
"I was going through the worst phase of my life, the divorce proceedings, consultant, and an abusive husband. I was suddenly a different woman altogether, Cunningness, anger, manipulative. In all this mess, my support system was my daughter, my ray of hope”. - ShannelD'souza.
“Years back we were bankrupt. We hardly had anything to eat. There was no hope of getting out of such poverty. But my husband thought of starting a small eatery where we served healthy pizza, burgers, and sandwiches. With the help of my cooking skills and my husband's business skills, now we have our own restaurant”.-NishitaTanna
In every struggle, there is a ray of hope. Everyone goes through such incidents, what’s your story?
Life is full of struggles, twists, and turns and it will go on in the same way. So live life, be you, the only way to explore life. Make your life a story worth telling. Tell your story. Share your stories!

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