Thursday, 26 January 2017

Let go. Feel free. Live life

Let go. Feel free. Live life

“Each new day is the another choice to change your life”
To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on.
Johnson, when I first met him, it was all lovey-dovey at the beginning. He was my neighbor for last two years but we never knew each other until the day of New Year’s Eve. I was entering my home at midnight and at the same time he came there and we wished each other Happy New year. In no time we were more than best friends. We went for parties, picnics, treks and outings. But then something changed his behavior wasn’t the same, even being with he was very far from me, he was not the one whom I met. So I decided to “let go”, it wasn’t easy for me but it was necessary to move on and live life.
Sometimes moving on, or letting go is not only important but there is no other option. As this in return only helps you in future. At times, Fear is the reason why we can't move on. We have the fear of being alone and not being able to find someone else; fear of someone using our deepest and darkest secrets as blackmail; fear of the hate and tension that will ensue; fear of regret once someone is gone.

3 Steps to Help You to Let Go and Feel Less Pain
If someone bothers you then it causes you a pain for a while.But after that, you have a choice. You can refuse to let go of what happened. And instead, let it interfere with your relationship and replay what happened over and over in your mind.Or you can choose to forgive. Accepting what happened can be helpful to make it easier to forgive.
Let go again (if necessary).
If you let go of something that happened or some distraction in your life then that might not be the end of it.Life is not always that neat. The issue or distraction might pop up again.
Then let it go once, twice, thrice…this extra practice will make it easier to let go, in the future when it pops up it leaves behind lesser impact on you.
Accept the facts, then let go.
When you accept the situation that this has happened then it becomes easier to let go.Why?Because when you’re still struggling in your mind against what has happened then you feed that memory or situation with more energy.

Let go of what no longer serve you, free yourself from the stressful situations and live life, be you, write your story.

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